What We Do

  • As each business is unique, we aim to thoroughly understand each client’s requirements and deliver an effective solution
  • Depending on the nature of the issue at hand and the needs of the client, we may assume one or more of the following roles:

Provide objective advice and guidance to help the client undertake strategic decisions and actions


Leverage existing client expertise and resources to jointly arrive at the right decisions


Independently undertake agreed activities, while engaging the client on key decisions and issues

Regardless of the role assumed, ILMAM aims to empower informed decisions, effective solutions and better results

How We Work

To help ensure a sustainable change in a client’s organization, where appropriate, a facilitated approach may be deployed

Potential benefits of a facilitated approach include:

  • Engage internal stakeholders, which can increase buy-in in the process and sense of ownership in the outcome
  • Leverage existing subject matter and organization-specific expertise
  • Enhance the engagement’s cost efficiencies and execution time
  • Increase the internal awareness of, and participation in, the process

To maximize the benefit to our clients, we will:

  • Balance the facilitated approach with objective insight and validation, as appropriate
  • Drive the progress of the engagement in a manner that efficiently utilizes the time of the personnel involved

ILMAM can apply a facilitated approach that leverages internal expertise and enhance the delivery, while maintaining objectivity and efficiency